Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Date 59 - Don't Look Under The Bed!

Date: Monday, October 8, 2012
Type: Fun, Surprise, At-Home
Cost: $
Planned By: Dani

It's October! I had this great idea for an early Halloween-ish date. One of my favorite Disney Channel original movies was Don't Look Under the Bed. I recently realized that you can find anything on Youtube. So I searched and after about a second I found a perfect version of Don't Look Under the Bed.

I had Monday off for Columbus Day, and Adam didn't. I chose to give him some clues that went along with the movie throughout the day instead of outright telling him what the date was. There were four separate clues.

1. Dogs are on the roof! Every Sunday when the Browns play Adam takes a Halftime Naptime nap. I took advantage of this. I went down to our cars and took pictures of our stuffed puppies on our car roofs. I hurried back up and made a flyer. I put it in an envelope and put it in Adam's car for him to find before work the next day. I had to be quick, but he never noticed I was gone!

2. Someone keeps putting the letter B on everything. I make Adam's lunch every morning so I put a sticky note with the letter B on this inside of his sandwich container.
3. The school pool is filled with jello. I made jello and put a little sign on it saying school pool. I sent a picture text of it to Adam's phone in the afternoon. (Sadly, he figured it out after this clue, but I had him stumped for most of the day!)
4. You should check under the bed! When Adam got home from work I told him there was something under the bed, and he needed to check it out. I put apple cider, Reese's, Starbursts, and a bunch of fun $1 Halloween items I found.
After all the clues were out and Adam knew what we were going to watch we hooked the computer up to the TV, got cozy on the couch, got our candy and watching Disney Channel's Original Movie Don't Look Under the Bed! After all these years it was still a cute movie, but didn't scare me as much. I think it is one of Disney Channel's better movies with a pretty good concept.

Adam had a great time with the clues and trying to figure it out all day, and it was really fun to keep him guessing! I love surprise dates maybe someday Adam will plan one for me. Ha.

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